Are you ready to run pain free???
One area which takes considerable strain with each step is the calf complex. Many people are getting back to run without properly training to prepare your body and muscles to resist long term impact on your squeleton, and joins. On line you can find many information about to run mid foot, heels impact and often you re missing the most important… exercise your calf, quads, hamstring to get ready to run.
80% of runners are suffering injuries due to no knowledge about how to be ready to run.
Many runners have calf problems, many of whom have a repeated history of calf injuries. In our studio we are treating customers who already in the past try to run again and get injured … normally they will think…”Should i continue ? am i too old to run?” actually we teach our customers to understand that training and exercise is the key to enjoy long period of running. Check our video and try today but by your way and do not force if you feel tension on calf.
Ultimately, if you’re like these runners with ongoing calf problems, you need to get it checked-out by your physical therapist.
Not all injuries are coming from the same way of same reasons, sometimes getting into running from long time make your feel pain on Achille’s tendon but it does not mean injury, you need to train to get more flexibility and strengthen your calf in order to run pain free.